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At MS4 Solutions, I provide clarity and guidance for your city's MS4 permit. Let me help you navigate the intricate permit and create solutions that will bring your city into compliance. Together, we can unlock your city's full stormwater management potential.

MS4 Soltuions

MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach

Provide comprehensive stormwater services, including the creation of stormwater education material and outreach activities specific to your community. Help identify target audiences and pollutants in the community and create effective educational best management practices (BMPs) for each. Promote a thorough understanding of the impacts of stormwater within the community. 

MS4 Solutions

MCM 2: Public Involvement & Participation

Provide information on public involvement and participation in stormwater management. Work with communities to create proactive and effective public engagement strategies, allowing for meaningful input from citizens. Additionally, provide assistance in creating a method of intake for public inquiries and concerns regarding stormwater, as well as helping to ensure that the community is informed and engaged in the process.

MS4 Solutions

MCM 3: Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDDE)

Offer comprehensive environmental consulting services to help develop and implement IDDE programs and ordinances. Services include, but not limited to, outfall identification, outfall mapping, and the identification of any waters of the state that are within a community, in addition to identifying priority areas where illicit discharges are likely to occur. 

MS4 Solutions

MCM 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

Comprehensive solutions for all land disturbance needs. Provide expertise in developing and implementing a land disturbance program, create ordinances, and create an inspection program. Training can also be provided to ensure that clients have the skills and knowledge to conduct inspections and meet environmental regulations. 

MS4 Solutions

MCM 5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management 

Create a post-construction BMP management plan, as well as provide options for both structural and non-structural BMPs that can be implemented effectively. Assist in preparing an ordinance, a maintenance plan, and an inspection program for client's staff.  

MS4 Solutions

MCM 6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operation

Create and implement preventive maintenance and employee training programs to ensure compliance with all applicable permit conditions. Services include creating an operation and maintenance program tailored to the specific needs of the municipality, developing an employee training and inspection program, and creating a comprehensive list of all paint, solvents, and petroleum products stored by the municipality.

MS4 Solutions SWMP

Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

Specialize in the development of Stormwater Management Plans (SWMPs). Provide comprehensive services for the creation and updating of SWMPs, including supplemental documentation such as spill prevention plans and inspections. Upon completion, SWMP will be submitted to the state for approval.

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